Social Fever Keep Track of the Time Spent on Phone

Social Fever is an amazing app that helps break phone addiction by monitoring phone usage, keeping track of time spent on phone thereby reconnecting you with reality.

  • Tracks Phone Usage Time Tracks Phone
    Usage Time
  • Control Social Media Use Control Social
    Media Use
  • Monitors Phone Addiction Monitors Phone
Are you Addicted To Your Smartphone?

Are you Addicted
To Your Smartphone?

Let go of your phone addiction! It is taking your real life away from you. We understand no one can stay away from their cellphones, but using it smartly and getting addicted are two different things. If you spend most of your time on social media, watching videos, playing music rather than doing something productive, it’s time to give it all a break. Find out how you can control phone usage, track social media usage and utilize this time doing something valuable and spend time with your loved ones.

Limit Social Media Usage

Limit Social Media Usage

Track social media usage and spend time wisely

Limit App Usage

Limit App Usage

Social Fever helps track time spent on each app

Key Features

Social Fever helps deal with mobile phone addiction. This app tracks the total time you spent on your phone or an app, thereby helping understand how to save and manage time more efficiently.

Check real time app usage

Keep track of time spent in watching TV shows on Netflix, Amazon etc.

Spend Quality time

Restrict phone usage by defining quality time profile and limit phone usage.

Connect with your hobbies

Select and add your favourite hobbies to make your day more fruitful.

Track your Water Intake

Stay healthy and hydrated by keeping track of daily water intake.

Key Features

Why choose Social Fever?

Social Fever will help manage your time by keeping a track of phone and social media usage etc. Not only this, the app will also remind you to have water so you can stay hydrated, will show warning if you have been looking at the screen for long or listening to music for a longer duration.

Why choose Social Fever?

Gallery - App Screenshots

Monitor phone usage and track how much time you spend on phone using Social Fever app.

apps to limit social media use
About app Features Why Choose? Gallery Download
Social Fever
Social Fever
Beat Smartphone Addiction, Manage
Time Wisely & Connect With Real Life

Social Fever is the answer for how to not be addicted to your phone. This app will show alerts and give weekly reports so that you can keep phone usage in check.

Play Store

Requires Android 4.0 and up

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