Secure Data Delete Pro uninstall steps:

1. For Windows 11

Please follow the steps below to uninstall Secure Data Delete Pro:

  1. Press Windows + I to open Windows Settings. Alternatively, can right-click the Start button and select "Settings" from the list.
  2. In the Setting window click Apps from the left pane > select Apps & Features.
  3. Next, in the Apps & features window look for the Secure Data Delete Pro. Click the three dots next to it and select Uninstall from the context menu.
  4. When asked for confirmation click Uninstall. The selected program will now be uninstalled from Windows 11.

This will remove Secure Data Delete Pro from your computer.

2. For Windows 10

Please follow the steps below to uninstall Secure Data Delete Pro:

  1. Open the Control Panel. To do so, either:

    Click Start button on your taskbar and type Control Panel and click on the Control Panel desktop app option.

  2. In the Control Panel window, navigate to "Programs" > "Uninstall a program" option.

    (Note: If you're unable to find "Programs", go to "View By" towards the right of the screen and select "Category" from the drop down list)

  3. On the next page, select Secure Data Delete Pro and click on Uninstall button.
  4. Click the Yes button when prompted to uninstall the program.

This will remove Secure Data Delete Pro from your computer.

3. For Windows 8.1 and 8

Please follow the steps below to uninstall Secure Data Delete Pro:

  1. Open the Control Panel. To do so, either:

    a. Point the mouse at the upper or lower right corner of the screen and click on the Search icon.

    b. Type Control Panel in the Search box and click on Control Panel option shown in left panel.


    a. Press the Windows + X keys together on your keyboard. A small menu will open. Here, click on the Control Panel option.

  2. In the Control Panel window, click on Programs > Uninstall a program option.
  3. On the next page, select Secure Data Delete Pro and click on Uninstall option.
  4. Click the Yes button when prompted to uninstall the program.

This will remove Secure Data Delete Pro from your computer.

4. For Windows 7

Please follow the steps below to uninstall Secure Data Delete Pro:

  1. Click Start button on your taskbar and select Control Panel.
  2. Under Programs category, click on "Uninstall a program" option.
  3. On the next page, select Secure Data Delete Pro and click on Uninstall option.
  4. Click the Yes button when prompted to uninstall the program.

This will remove Secure Data Delete Pro from your computer.

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