Top Ways to Enhance RAM Capabilities Without Upgrading It


RAM is the ultimate necessity of any PC to perform. When running heavy applications or multiple processes on a PC, RAM has to manage all the tasks and provide an efficient working environment. While most pro users know it, some average users are unaware of it, and they buy a new PC at a low price without checking the amount of RAM.

These users instantly regret buying a PC with low RAM. However, they have to stick to their decision due to budget constraints. Has this ever happened to you? Or does this situation sound familiar? Or are you also facing issues with your current amount of RAM and PC performance?

If yes, don’t worry. This blog will discuss a few tips to enhance RAM capabilities on your PC without upgrading it!

How to Enhance RAM Performance Without Physical Upgrade?

Is it even POSSIBLE? Yes! Enhancing RAM performance without actually upgrading to a higher-capacity RAM is possible. You can optimize your PC and use the different options available.

Some PCs run slow and are bound to have degraded performance due to obsolete hardware. In such cases, you can not simply upgrade RAM, as a motherboard upgrade that supports your upgraded RAM is needed. In such situations, you can make the most out of the available resources by checking usage patterns.

As far as the how part is concerned, there is no set way, but by implementing different practices, you can be fine. Let us quickly go through each of these by one and create a perfect RAM management checklist to boost the current RAM performance.

Without further ado, Let’s begin!

Practice #1 – Check Your Page.sys File and Increase Its Size If required

The Page.sys file is the virtual memory file that works as additional RAM for your PC. Sometimes, the size of the Page.Sys file becomes a significant issue that needs to be fixed.

However, to enjoy the best performance from the virtual memory, you need the Page.sys file to be stable. Here’s how you can configure the Page.sys files for the best results –

  • Open Start Menu and Search for.“Adjust Appearance and Performance of Windows.” Open the most relevant result.

Appearance and Performance of Windows

  • Once you have clicked on the result, navigate to the Advanced tab at the top.
  • You can change the paging file size to the recommended option. Simply click on change to find more options.

advanced setting

  • Once you have clicked on it, a pop-up window will appear. Find and open “Automatically manage paging file size for drives” to unlock the custom options.

virtual memory

  • Set the size of the Paging files so that it is manageable enough to affect your storage and is not too low enough that it can’t support the processes.

Maintain a good page.sys file ratio, and you will instantly realize that there is a gradual enhancement in the performance of your RAM in general.

Practice #2 – Optimize Your PC & Reduce Startup Applications

Another practice that you can implement is optimization, which refers to tuning up the PC. It can be achieved by using the right practices and keeping all the factors, such as startup applications, RAM usage, and putting everything in order.

To give you a perspective, the following are the things you should take care of to ensure proper PC optimization

  • Check for irregularities in the storage patterns, such as disk fragmentation.
  • Regularly scan the PC for shortcomings related to security and resource capabilities.
  • Ensure that unwanted applications do not run at startup and they don’t consume enough RAM as the PC turns on.
  • There are no discrepancies in using the available RAM for the best performance.

Startup applications are the most common reasons for PC slowing down. Therefore, to optimize your PC, you should start by reducing the number of startup applications. To do that, follow these steps –

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager on your PC.
  • In the Task Manager, click on more options (the hamburger button on the left) and then click on startup applications.

task manager

  • There you can find the status of all the applications. Make sure all these statuses are disabled.

run new task

Once you have disabled the startup applications, restart your PC for it to take effect. You can now experience snappiness in the powering on of your PC. This is just one of many things that you should take care of.

Optimizing your PC manually might become a problem as there are so many problems that you have to deal with. The best way to optimize your PC’s performance and get over it is to find the best optimization tool and use it. I recommend Advanced System Optimizer by Systweak.

Download and install Using the Button Below

It is a perfect package of what you can get in an optimizer and has all the options for running and optimizing your PC.

Advanced System Optimizer

You can find the best possible tools to optimize your PC, including regular scan scheduling and, the most important one, the startup application manager.

optimize your PC

To learn more about how this tool works and can help you optimize your PC to boost RAM performance, try using the application to realize why you should use Advanced System Optimizer on your PC.

Practice #3 – Track Memory Usage & Keep Clearing Heavy Tasks Regularly

Last but not least, keeping track of the memory that the processes use and clearing them at regular intervals helps boost RAM performance. The way it works is simple. All you have to do is –

  • Use the keyboard shortcut – Ctrl+Shift+Esc to bring up the task manager.
  • In the Task Manager, you can find the Memory column that shows the amount of RAM used and which process uses it the most. Click on it to sort the processes based on memory usage.

new task manager

As you can see, most memory is used by my browser, and the tabs opened in it. The ideal way to handle the situation is to make sure that you clear the tabs that are not being used and always shut the browser down before running another heavy application.

This way, you will have a managed RAM percentage that you can utilize whenever you want. However, such optimization can also be done using the aforementioned tool. This is why we recommend using Advanced System Optimizer, the best tool for PC optimization.

These three practices and regular usage of Advanced System Optimizer can help boost RAM performance without having to physically upgrade it from 4GB to 8GB or more. However, if your PC is a bit older and you are using a previous generation of RAM on your PC, you may need a physical upgrade.


Knowing what you should do can be the best solution to any situation. With the end of this blog, you now know what to do if your RAM cannot withstand the current workload and how to find the best available state of your RAM. You can implement the above-mentioned three practices and surely get the best results.

That is all for this post. I hope you find the information helpful. Good Luck!


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About The Author

Dishank Sharma
Dishank Sharma

Former Contributor at Systweak Blogs Dishank Sharma was a creative tech writer passionate about simplifying complex tech concepts for readers. With a flair for blending crisp technological insights with creative storytelling, he authored numerous blogs on emerging trends, best practices, and digital solutions. Outside of his professional writing, Dishank enjoyed scribbling poetry, listening to rap, and exploring new travel destinations.

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