ISP Tracking – Is It a Thing? Can Your ISP Spy on You

How Does Your ISP Keep an Eye on You

Recently, memes have rediscovered an old but gold sitcom, the Family Guy, and made it relevant again. This 24-year-old sitcom series has caught the attention of gen z because of its edgy jokes and problematic opinion on sensitive topics like casual racism and classism. 

Another reason why the series is extremely popular in the meme culture is its essence of crossing lines on every front. The show displays Peter Griffin (the lead) interfering in matters of all the characters just to pass comments, and boy, oh boy, that trait of his has raised a few eyebrows!

internet service providerBut did you know Peter is not the only one crossing these personal boundaries in 2023? Shocked? Well, don’t be because it is someone you deal with daily. Wondering who can that be?

Well, that’s your (ISP) internet service provider! Yes! The same guy you pay to keep yourself connected with the world keeps track of what you do online. Isn’t it strange? Well, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

How Does Your ISP Keep an Eye on You?

The Internet Service Provider you opt for has access to everything you search online. Though it violates your right to privacy, data logging is a practice that goes way back to the 90s, similar to when the Family Guy started. See the connection, eh?

When you use the internet, the data you leave online is left with the website, and information about that data can be easily interpreted at your ISP’s end. Some services have no log policy. However, most local internet service providers use this information for their benefit. 

They specifically monitor your internet usage to identify potential buyers for your data. Some of the ways ISPs monitor your internet usage are – 

  1. ISP throttling so that you cannot open all the websites at a stable speed, forcing you to opt for a better plan. 
  2. Logging all your data and analyzing your daily routine to fit in unnecessary ads and other information they might want to feed you. 
  3. Gain insights on your recently developed habits so that they can use the data to leverage companies in a similar space. 

But how does that benefit the ISP? Well, by selling this data to advertisers looking for such information, they get monetary benefits. 

The ISPs are so far up into your internet usage that they often cross lines and sell your confidential data to the highest bidder. The shocking part is that we all know this is happening, but we don’t pay attention to it as we were not told explicitly. If you don’t believe me try noticing the advertisements that you see. It is an example of how the Internet advertising industry is using your data and flourishing.

We tend to become blind, even when aware of such practices. It reminds me of the famous dialogue from The Family Guy itself, “I may be an idiot, but if there’s one thing I am not, Sir, that is an idiot.”

Things You Can Do to Avoid Getting Tracked by Your ISP

You can try to minimize your ISP’s involvement in your internet actions in multiple ways. Using a reliable VPN is the easiest and most effective way. A virtual private network can allow you to create a leakproof wall against your ISP without hampering your online experience. 

When you use a VPN with your internet, you – 

  • Eliminate any chances of getting tracked by your ISP, as your activity will now be based on an external server and can only be accessed by the VPN provider.
  • Appear anonymously online as the IP address will masks. This will prevent online advertisers to track you and influence your choice of products.
  • You can avoid multiple internet-hampering factors like throttling and network congestion.
  • Create a security layer around using the internet so that your data is not leaked and hackers cannot identify your device information or location (unless you manually enter it).
  • Maintain a continuous internet speed and unlock all the websites restricted by your ISP, government, or geological boundaries. 

All in all, it can be said that using a VPN can uplift your overall internet experience. More importantly, it can confine your ISP to its boundaries. 

What Type of a VPN Should You Use?

Having said that, certainly, a VPN is a great way to keep your ISP out, but not all VPNs help keep your data private. You should consider various factors before opting for a VPN service. Some of the crucial factors to weigh before making a decision are – 

  • A VPN Service provider’s data logging policy.
  • Availability of extended security measures.
  • The number of servers and quality of servers available. 
  • Type of VPN encryption being used and how effective it is.

Only and only after measuring these factors should you choose a VPN. If you are looking for recommendations, Systweak VPN is a great tool to start. It has a zero-logging policy and offers military-grade encryption. Find the download link below and get started today!

We hope we cleared the misconceptions and explained what you could do to stay safe. As a first step towards defense, use VPN and run an advanced antivirus. 

Next Read: What Does a VPN Do? 5 Uses of VPN You Didn’t Know About!

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About The Author

Dishank Sharma
Dishank Sharma

Former Contributor at Systweak Blogs Dishank Sharma was a creative tech writer passionate about simplifying complex tech concepts for readers. With a flair for blending crisp technological insights with creative storytelling, he authored numerous blogs on emerging trends, best practices, and digital solutions. Outside of his professional writing, Dishank enjoyed scribbling poetry, listening to rap, and exploring new travel destinations.

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