Driver Guide

How to Connect Logitech Wireless Mouse – Windows 10, 8, 7 & XP

Here’s how to pair a Logitech mouse with a PC

Whether you are working from home or office: wires are always a problem. Therefore, to keep things simple and less cluttered companies are developing Plug n Play or Bluetooth devices. This makes ditching wires easy and works flawlessly. But when we face problems while connecting wireless devices, especially Logitech Wireless mouse it’s not good, right?

Therefore, in today’s post, we will discuss how to connect the Logitech Bluetooth mouse.

How To Connect Logitech Wireless Mouse

Besides the keyboard, the mouse is another essential input device to give instructions. Using it, you can easily move around the screen and perform different actions with just a click. This is why, developed in 1960 the device is still being introduced in new ways, the most common of which is the wireless mouse.

Tip : The easiest way to resolve the Logitech wireless mouse connectivity issue is to update outdated drivers. This can be done manually and automatically. But most of us neither have the time nor knowledge to do that on our own. In such a case using the best driver updater like Advanced Driver Updater is the best decision. Using this utility, you can easily update outdated, faulty, missing, and corrupt drivers.

Fact Check:- Logitech mouse pairs with one wireless receiver at a time.  

Here are the steps to successfully pair the Logitech Bluetooth mouse.

1 – Using Logitech Connection Utility

Note: Using the utility involves downloading it, running the utility, and synching the mouse with the receiver.

1. Download the connection utility by visiting the manufacturer’s website.
2. Double-click the .exe to install the utility.
3. Thereafter, follow the instructions given by Logitech Connection Utility and let Windows handle the connection.

4. Once the steps are rightly followed, you will be able to use the Logitech wireless mouse.

In case this doesn’t work then. Don’t fret, there are other steps to connect to the Logitech mouse.

2. Use Reset Button

Even after using the utility if the mouse is not working you can try using the Reset button. (If your mouse has one.)

Hold the button for a few seconds and then try to reconnect. This should help.
Alternatively, check the batteries and try replacing them.

3. Reconnect the Receiver

Unplug and re-plug the USB and wait for the Windows to detect it.

If you think there is some issue with the USB slot, try using another one. Or try connecting the wireless mouse with another device and see if it works. If it does, you know there is some issue with the device you are using.

Generally, this happens when the device driver is outdated. In such a scenario, the first thing you must do is update problematic, corrupt, and faulty drivers.

How to update Logitech Mouse Driver?

As explained, this can be done manually and automatically. If you are short on time or don’t like risking your system using Advanced Driver Updater to update drivers is the best decision.

Here we will explain both steps, so you can decide which one to use.

Manually updating Logitech Bluetooth Mouse Driver

1. Press Windows + X > Device Manager
2. Double-click Human Interface Devices
3. Look for the Logitech USB Input Device

4. Select it > right-click > Update Driver

5. Select Search automatically for drivers and wait for Windows to look for an update. If available, it will be downloaded in the background.

Note: If you get the message The best drivers for your device are already installed, we suggest updating Windows and visiting the manufacturer’s website to get the latest driver. However, if this is not what you would want to do as the chances of downloading an incorrect driver are more, jump to the next step.

Automatically updating Logitech Wireless Mouse Driver (Recommended)

1. Download and install Advanced Driver Updater

2. Run the driver updating tool
3. Click Start Scan Now and wait for it to scan the system

4. Once you have the scan results, look for a Logitech driver update or Bluetooth driver update.

Note : If you are using the trial version, you will be able to update only one driver at a time. However, using the Pro version, you can update all outdated drivers at once. Moreover, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee and is backed by trained technical support

5. If you are a trial user, click the Update driver next to it. In case you are a Pro user, click Update All to update all outdated drivers at once.
6. Wait for Advanced Driver Updater to take a backup of the old driver and update it to the latest version.
7. Afterward to bring changes into effect restart the PC.

Now try to connect the Logitech Wireless mouse, you should be able to connect and work with it.

Solution – How To Connect Logitech Mouse

Outdated, corrupt, missing, and faulty drivers cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, whenever you face a problem in connecting a device or face issues like screen flickering and others, before connecting to support try updating the driver. For this, you can use Advanced Driver Updater at any time.

This automatic driver updater will take care of things without asking for any details. Also, using it eliminates the risk of downloading an incorrect driver update.

So, what are you thinking? Get this amazing driver updater and fix all the issues caused due to outdated drivers.

We hope you find the information helpful and will try the steps. In case you have any questions do let us know in the comments section. For any product, related questions send an email to

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How to Download Logitech Speaker Drivers on Windows 11,10

Preeti Seth

A UX writer who loves explaining technical details in a clear, crisp, and concise manner. She loves writing about technical troubleshooting, How-To's, product reviews, etc. In her free time, she loves reading, meditating, and traveling.

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