Buzzing/Humming Sound Coming From Speaker? It Might Not Be What You Think!


Is your laptop speaker making funny buzzing noises? The noise is justified if you have had an episode where you accidentally spilled something on the device or damaged the hardware. However, if the issue has appeared without any of these incidents, it might be due to outdated drivers, electronic interference, insecure loose connections, spoiled cable, or mismatched configurations. 

In today’s post, we will help you identify exactly what is causing the issue on your PC and, more importantly, how you can get rid of the speaker buzzing sounds without visiting the service center. 

Remember that all the fixes shared in this post are safe and secure, provided you follow them completely, as mentioned.

With that out of the way, let’s get started!

Before going through the mentioned methods, take care of the following factors that may cause the error –

1. Check all connections – Ensure that no wires are loose or damaged, Plug all devices into the same socket.

2. Electrical Interference – Keep your speaker away from electronic components at least one foot away if possible. Use high quality, digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

3. Use a ground loop isolator

4. Check cables & components –Inspect all cables, and the cable should not be longer than 10 meters.

5. Adjust volume – Volumes should be under normal circumstances.

What Might be Causing Speaker Buzzing Sounds on Windows Laptop?

If your hardware might be affected, then it is an external factor. Contact a hardware expert. However, if it is caused by frequency interference due to other devices, then it can be resolved after moving the devices away or changing their location.

But, if the issue has occurred out of nowhere, there might be other factors causing your speakers to malfunction. These may include – 

1. An issue with the audio or the audio player.
2. Error in the speaker’s output configuration.
3. Outdated or corrupt audio drivers are being used on Windows. The best way to fix it and update drivers is to use a driver updating software like Advanced Driver Updater.

4. An electrical ground loop is another factor that may account for buzzing sounds.
5. An issue with the audio-playing software.

These factors and the chances that the audio file being used is corrupt can be why laptop speakers make buzzing sounds. Fortunately, all of these errors can be resolved without calling a professional.

How? Well, check out how to fix these problems in the section below!

Working Methods to Fix Speaker Buzzing Sounds on a Windows PC

Method #1 – Run Audio Troubleshooter on Windows

Step 1 – Press Windows + I to open settings.
Step 2 – In settings, scroll down to find Troubleshoot.

find Troubleshoot option in setting
Step 3 – In Troubleshoot, find the option, Other troubleshooters.

Click on Other troubleshooters
Step 4 – You may find the Audio troubleshooter available there. Click on Run to initiate the process.

system troubleshoot

Step 5 – The process will ask you to give your input about the troubleshooting method. Simply answer and get over it. 

welcome to windows audio or sound troubleshoot

Once the troubleshooting is done, try using the audio again to see if it resolves the problem. If not, move on to the next method. 

Method #2 – Configure Audio Settings On Windows

Step 1 – Press Windows + R to bring up the Run search.
Step 2 – In the Run search, use the command “control” and hit enter to open the control panel.

Type Control command to open Control Panel
Step 3 – Look for the Hardware and Sound tab in the Control Panel. Click on control panel
Step 4 – After opening the Hardware and Sound option, you may find a menu that appears something similar to the following –

control panel menuStep 5 – Click on Sound in the available options. This will bring up sound configuration pop-up.

sound configuration pop-up
Step 6 – From the opened pop, select your Speaker and open its properties by right-clicking on the Speaker and open its properties
Step 7 – When the properties open, switch to the properties pop-up and go to the Advanced tab.

Advanced tab in speaker properties
Step 8 – Uncheck the Enable audio enhancements from the advanced options and click on Apply to accept changes. Uncheck Enable audio enhancements

If the error was due to signal enhancements, this should stop the error. Check the speakers for any buzzing sound. If this fails to resolve the issue, check out the next fix now!

Method #3 – Update Outdated Audio Drivers on Windows

If none of the above methods work, it may be time to upgrade your audio drivers. These drivers are basic requirements of the device to work with the operating system. If this program is not working properly, your speaker might show signs of degradation. 

There are multiple ways you can update audio drivers on Windows. Check them out in this details blog on how to update audio drivers

If you do not have ample time to go through another study, we recommend using Advanced Driver Updater. 

The tool works in three easy steps – 

Step 1 – Scan outdated drivers

start scan using advanced driver updater

Step 2 – Fetch updates

scanning is in progress

Step 3 – Install updates

Three steps, and you are done! Download the tool today and see the difference in your PC’s overall performance. 

Method #4 – Break Electrical Ground Loop & Frequency Interference

When you use a cluster of gadgets around your laptop, frequency interference and an electrical ground loop may cause hindrances. An electrical ground loop is created for those unaware when multiple devices are connected to electricity. You can easily resolve it by using an extension to power all the devices from a single source.

If the issue revolves around frequency interference, you must remove all the devices with similar frequencies from the PC’s radar. This will give you a better understanding of the issue.

Method #5 – Check for Background Apps & Games

If, by chance, you have a game or application running in the background, there is a chance that the sound from that particular application will interfere with the system’s sounds. The distorted buzzing sound can be heard when multiple sources work together for the audio. Hence, it is recommended that you close the background applications once and restart your PC quickly. You can use the Task Manager to kill background tasks.

No More Speaker Buzzing Sounds on PC!

These fixes can help avoid any disturbance in the user experience, especially in terms of audio quality. Implement these, and let us know what works best for you.
Other than all the fixes mentioned above, please ensure your system sound settings are set to default. Hardware is always the key when it comes to sound output from your PC, so it should not have any anomalies.

That’ll be all for this post. Thanks for reading. Good Luck.


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About The Author

Dishank Sharma
Dishank Sharma

Former Contributor at Systweak Blogs Dishank Sharma was a creative tech writer passionate about simplifying complex tech concepts for readers. With a flair for blending crisp technological insights with creative storytelling, he authored numerous blogs on emerging trends, best practices, and digital solutions. Outside of his professional writing, Dishank enjoyed scribbling poetry, listening to rap, and exploring new travel destinations.

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