Solved – Driver Power State Failure Error in Windows 10 and 11

How to Fix Driver Power State Failure in Windows 10, 11 pc

The Power State Failure in Windows 10 and 11 is something that not every user can recover from. Caused due to the malfunctioning of one of the system drivers the PC goes into an inconsistent power state. 

In simple words, when your PC was in sleep mode, the driver malfunctioned, and now when you wake it, you get “PC needs to restart – Driver_Power_State_Failure,” error.

Besides, faulty driver, other reasons that can cause the error are :

  • Issues with PC’s power management and configuration
  • Computer is infected.

In this post, we will look at these issues in detail and understand how the error can be fixed.

What is Driver Power State Failure in Windows?

Driver Power State Failure

Drivers are crucial for a PC’s usability and functionality, this is why when they are missing, outdated or corrupt you face several issues. Driver Power State Failure is one such error that occurs when a driver fails to initiate during a PC restart.

When you put the PC to sleep most background processes pause. Sometimes, it also pauses the device drivers, leading to power state failure a BSOD error. However, the good news is that it is not as severe as a fatal error on Windows

Ways to Fix Driver Power State Failure Error in Windows PC

As mentioned above, this is one of those BSOD errors that are not so severe and thus can be fixed easily. Some ways you can do it yourself are – 

Method 1 – Run the Power Troubleshooter

Your PC, especially if it is a laptop, may encounter issues with the power. If your PC faces a Driver Power State Failure after being woken up from sleep mode, chances are that there is an issue with the power. 

You can run the troubleshooter to narrow down the issue. Here’s what you have to do – 

  • Press Windows + I on your keyboard to open Windows Windows settings
  • Look for Troubleshoot         Troubleshoot in system setting
  • Click on Other Troubleshooters.
  • From there, you can Run the troubleshooter for Power.   Run the troubleshooter for Power
  • Follow the instructions on your screen. Once the process is complete, restart your PC. 

Once you restart, the issue should be resolved. If the troubleshooter cannot solve it for you, move on to the next fix. 

Method 2 – Look for Optional Updates

The Optional updates on Windows bring driver updates and other patches that fix such issues. To install the optional updates, follow these steps – 

  1. Open Windows Settings on Your PC – Use Windows + I keyboard keys to access it. 
  2. In Settings, click on Windows Update in the left panel of your screen. click on Windows Update
  3. From Windows Update, click on Advanced Options. click on Advanced Options
  4. In Advanced Options, you can find Optional Updates. find Optional Updates
  5. Mark and select, and click on Download and install if available. 

With the help of Optional updates, you can fix the Driver Power State Failure error on your PC. However, if they are unavailable or there is no update left to install and the error still persists, try out the next fix. 

Method 3 – Switch your Power Performance Plan

If you have faced the Driver Power State Failure Issue on your HP laptop or any other laptop, chances are that your current power management settings are not working properly. Here’s how you can configure it according to your requirements and usage – 

  1. Click on Windows Start Menu and search for Choose a Power Plan on your PC. search for Choose a Power Plan on your PC
  2. In Power options, you can see which is the current plan you are using to manage power on your PC.choose a power plan
  3. Simply switch to the high-performance plan from the recommended settings

Once you have switched to the high-performance power management setting, your PC will start working better and the Driver Power State Failure on Windows can be eliminated. 

Method 4 – Update Outdated Drivers

Now here is something really important. Keeping all your PC drivers updated is a must for any user. Outdated drivers are one of the core issues behind the windows Driver Power State Failure issue.

However, finding the culprit manually can get tricky. However, if you want to try it on your own, follow these steps: 

  1. Open Run using the Windows+R shortcut on your computer
  2. Type devmgmt.msc and hit enter to open the Device device manager
  3. In the Device Manager, double-click on the available drivers one by one and find their version id from the driver tab on top.find version id
  4. Use that version ID for a Google search and figure out if updates are available. 

If no optional updates are available, automatic Windows Update fetching might not work. Therefore, to find an update you will need to follow the above steps for all drivers. While the way is effective, it is impossible to look for updates manually. 

To help you in such situations, Advanced Driver Updater, an automated tool that searches for updates automatically and fixes the issue comes to play. Here’s how it works- 

  • Download the application from the link below and install it on your PC.
  • Click on  Start Scan Now to initiate the scan.start scan with advanced driver updater
  • The scan will look through all your drivers and compare it with the latest files available in its database.driver scanning process started
  • All the outdated drivers on your PC are highlighted as the scan is over. out of date drivers found
  • Click on the Update All button to initiate the update process.

The Advanced Driver Updater makes it super easy to update drivers on your PC. Outdated drivers are one of the core reasons behind the Driver Power State Failure error on Windows. 

With the help of this tool, you can not only fix the issue but can also prevent it from happening by running the scan at regular intervals. 

Driver Power State Failure in Windows FIXED!

Use any of the above methods to fix the error on your PC. If you tend to use Sleep mode more often on your PC, make sure you work on the power management and driver updates. Install the Advanced Driver Updater as it offers some amazing features like a scan schedule that can allow you to look for updates at regular intervals. 

With that, we have reached the end of this post. Hope you find this blog helpful with the issue. Leave a line in the comments section if you have any questions or queries. Good luck!

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About The Author

Dishank Sharma
Dishank Sharma

Former Contributor at Systweak Blogs Dishank Sharma was a creative tech writer passionate about simplifying complex tech concepts for readers. With a flair for blending crisp technological insights with creative storytelling, he authored numerous blogs on emerging trends, best practices, and digital solutions. Outside of his professional writing, Dishank enjoyed scribbling poetry, listening to rap, and exploring new travel destinations.

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