6 Apps to Make Your Start-Up Journey Smooth


Small businesses and startups are the foundation of any smooth-running economy. They drive innovation, bring a sense of community, and, more importantly, generate jobs at the grassroots level. However, being an entrepreneur is not easy. There are several challenges that one needs to face. 

The struggles of trying to do many things alone. Young entrepreneurs face several issues. From shaping their product to creating a well-oiled mechanism for smooth functioning, there are many things people have to worry about.

However, when the aspiration is to compete directly with the big players in the market, everything can’t be managed manually. Hence, you have to rely on pre-meditated apps and programs that help an individual and simplify the workings of the entire office. Fortunately, it is a good time to be an entrepreneur, as several applications can help you do many things with the convenience of a few clicks. 

In this post, we have curated a list of 6 popular applications every entrepreneur must try. A wide variety of businesses is already using all of these applications, and the best part is that even the most successful businesses are using the pro versions of them. 

Without further ado, let’s begin with the list of applications and how they can help you!

List of Applications to Make Your Entrepreneurial Journey Smooth

1. Trello:

It is one of the most popular apps for managing projects and collaborating with the team. It makes organizing all the tasks that must be completed before a deadline is easy. With Trello, you get access to various boards, lists, and cards, allowing you to list all your requirements and share them with other team members.


Using Trello, you can –

– Create boards for dedicated teams to have a clutter-free list of tasks corresponding to their KRA.

– Assign tasks to a specific team member so that they directly show up on their screen, reducing the hassle of manually sharing tasks. The cards you use to share the assignment have enough space for you to explain the task, making it convenient for both you and your team members.

Easily integrate other aspects of your work by integrating apps like Google Drive directly into your Trello board.

Trello is a game changer if you are looking for a simple yet effective management tool for your small business. The best part is that you can find knowledgeable content on Trello’s platform, making it easier to educate your employees on how to use the app properly.

2. PDF Editor:

One of the core things to grasp in business today is that every organization has gone paperless. Gone are the days when all your documents were lying on a shelf waiting to be checked and delivered. Everything today is digital, and PDF is the most popular format.

Systweak PDF Editor Home Screen

To ensure that you are ready to deal with all the documentation, you need an application that allows you to create a PDF document and assists in editing it properly. And the Systweak PDF Editor is just that…

With Systweak PDF Editor, you can –

– Edit PDF documents and make changes to the text. Editing a PDF document is usually difficult as it is a locked format and is not flexible when making changes. However, this app allows you to edit text and perform other operations easily and instantly.

– Sign PDF files both electronically and digitally. The ability to sign PDF documents is a must for your business. With every document going digital, all your papers that require a signature, from major deals to minor documentation, will require a signature. Not to mention, these signatures also validate your document’s authenticity, making it appear more professional.

– Manage PDF documents however you want. For instance, if you have multiple PDF files you think should be created as one, you can merge them using the Systweak PDF Editor. Some crucial tools include Securing PDFs, Redaction, Conversion, etc.

You can add security by encrypting the document with a password or setting permissions to prevent anyone else from manipulating your PDF file by copying or printing it.

The application is easy to use and has ample tools to help you get the most out of your PDF documents. It also works offline, helping you keep track of your documents even when disconnected.

3. Canva:

Another popular name when it comes to creating content, graphics, presentations, and whatnot. Canva is one of the most economical and easy-to-use solutions. This is the perfect platform to kick-start your social media creation, as it has all the required tools. From being able to design and edit posts to creating print-worthy posters and flyers for your brand, this platform makes things super easy for any business.
The designing tool is handy for curating visually appealing marketing content for social media use. However, it is not limited to the same.

With Canva, you can –

– Access templates as Canva offers a library of thousands of unique templates that you can utilize to get over with your design faster. If you are unaware of the idea, you can take inspiration from these templates and use them to create an appealing design. These templates also have animations, sounds, and visual effects, making the final output more effective.

– Design Collaboratively with direct link sharing. Simply use the share design button on the application and share edit access using the email address of the respective collaborator. The application is quite well encrypted and therefore the design remains only between the people you share the link with.

– Use AI design tools at a much cheaper price. Canva has recently integrated AI into its working engine. Now, you can simply use a prompt to create a design template and work your way to the final design. The subscription to Canva is considerably low compared to other AI design apps.

If you are at a stage of your startup or small business where you cannot afford a full-time designer or expensive apps like Photoshop/Adobe Creative Suite, etc., this is the ultimate alternative. You can try Canva, which is easy to use. The pro version offers significant features and integrated AI tools.

4. Hootsuite:

When discussing graphic designs and social media posts, one can never forget about a major aspect of new businesses, i.e., maintaining a social presence. You need a solid social media marketing strategy to create a buzz about your business or service. And how do you do that? Well, you use a social media management application like Hootsuite.

Hoot suite
The application offers a complete social media management suite, allowing you to focus more on analytics and growth than simply posting.

With Hootsuite, you can –

– Schedule posts for timely uploads. Managing your algorithm according to time is crucial. To garner attention and reach, you must ensure that all your posts follow a timeline and are posted accordingly. Sometimes, the target audience may have an odd time interacting with the post, so scheduling your posts can be a great feature.

Monitor analytics to identify the scope of growth and gaps in your current strategy. Social media, for the majority of users, is a hit-and-trial method. However, if you know the analytics and where exactly you lack, you can change your approach for better results.

Measure performance to learn if you are going in the correct direction. Hootsuite can also help you identify your niche by showing the performance of your posts, the type of audience it attracts, and how you can improve them.

Finding a social media expert may be difficult initially, but thanks to Hootsuite, you do not have to compromise on social media strategy. Start using the application, and you will see a difference in conversions and reach.

5. QuickBooks:

This app can help you keep track of your accounts and financial management. The software is designed to simplify tracking your expenses and manage payroll. While major businesses do have a complete accounting team to help them with these tasks, you can start managing your incoming and outgoing balances using QuickBooks,

Quick Books
The app is easy to use and allows even a basic PC user to manage the accounts efficiently.

With QuickBooks, you can –

– Create invoices instantly and share them with the respective party. You can customize the invoices you create per the requirement, allowing you to be more flexible when using the official payment route.

– Keep your books straight without having to hire a professional. Even though your business is small, you should not take your regular expenses for granted. While they may not be the stature that you require a dedicated accountant, you surely need a tool to keep it straight, and QuickBooks can do that for you.

Learn about taxes and get quick assistance when required. Filing taxes for your business is complicated, as you need to follow thousands of pointers. Fortunately, you can get instant assistance via QuickBooks to understand the basics so you can navigate the process.

The app is not limited to accounting; it also allows you to manage payroll, which is crucial for your human resource team. Needless to say, QuickBooks is the quickest way to hassle-free accounting!

6. Google Workspace:

Formerly known as G Suite, Google Workspace offers a bunch of tools that can be of great help, especially for young small business owners. Everyone regularly uses tools like Gmail, Google Sheets, Docs, Google Slides, Drive, etc. However, their potential increases massively when you switch to the professional version of Google Workspace.

Google Workspace

The group of applications brings simplicity, as the entire user experience is not foreign to your employees. Thanks to the collaborative tools available, your work will be super smooth.

With Google Workspace, you can –

Collaborate in real-time on all your documents. They can be instantly shared with the entire group of people you want, and they can access them in real-time. You can practically see what a person is doing on the document, and they can see you.

– Use Integration flawlessly by using the interconnected space of apps. For instance, you can schedule a meeting using Google Meet and send the invite via Gmail while creating a reminder in the shared Google Calendar. Sounds good, right?

Enhance productivity with advanced cloud storage solutions that make everything available anywhere. Whether working from home, the office, or the beach, you can access all your files thanks to Google’s massive cloud storage pool.

The Google Workspace takes collaboration convenience to the next level by identifying the true sense of integration between the tools. Using it requires no extra training, as users already know the basic Google experience. 

Knowing how these apps can help you fast-track your overall performance and management, it is clear that small businesses can benefit from these applications. 

Other than these, multiple applications are specific to your expertise and business. Applications like these help you automate your processes and optimize the entire framework for better performance. You must try these applications if you are looking for alternatives that can benefit your business and cost less than your current resource expense. 

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. You need support to make the most of your small business and grow it rapidly. You must have a way to conquer the world. I hope this blog helps you stay tuned for more such updates. Thanks for reading. Good luck.

Read Also: 10 Useful Applications for Students – Best Productivity Apps

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About The Author

Dishank Sharma
Dishank Sharma

Former Contributor at Systweak Blogs Dishank Sharma was a creative tech writer passionate about simplifying complex tech concepts for readers. With a flair for blending crisp technological insights with creative storytelling, he authored numerous blogs on emerging trends, best practices, and digital solutions. Outside of his professional writing, Dishank enjoyed scribbling poetry, listening to rap, and exploring new travel destinations.

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